Pardot (Account Engagement) offers a convenient tool to measure what campaigns are generating leads.
However, due to its cookie based structure, you might be losing a lot of insightful data. Latest study from french regulatory mission (CNIL) shows that 59% of visitors are accepting cookies (article in french).
Moreover, with third party cookies being slowly retired it is important for companies to have a cookieless approach when it comes to digital teacking.
The first reason is your prospect data privacy. You must protect their data and make sure that their personal information are not being shared with other solutions.
The second reason is about how not having a cookieless tracking solution can really harm your marketing efforts.
You invest $2,500 on a Google Ads campaign A.
Reports show you that it generated 6 leads and 2 of them converted into $1,000 closed won opportunity each in Salesforce.
That's a negative ROI so far so you decide to stop spending money on it.
However, what you might not see dut to cookie refusal is that your campaign actually generated 10 leads, and out of those 4 "untracked" leads, 2 converted into $1,500 closed won opportunites.
By relying on a cookie based tracking solution, you:
- missed 40% of your leads
- missed $1,500 revenue
- stopped bidding on a campaign generating a 40% ROI
Heeet is a cookieless tracking solution ensuring you have accurate and reliable conversion data in Salesforce Sales Cloud and Salesforce Pardot (Account Engagement).
Contact us if you want to see how a cookieless tracking solution could increase your marketing performances.