Connect GA4 and Salesforce

September 20, 2023
3 min read

Tracking conversions beyond form completions

When asking some marketing teams how they are measuring their conversions and overall paid ads performances, they usually tell us that they only look at form completions.

Despite form completion being a strong KPI, it only gives part of the answers.

Indeed, most of the "real" conversions happen once a form is submitted.

Was the lead converted?

Did we send a proposal?

Did it turn into a closed won opportunity?

And, the most important thing, how much revenue did it generate?

Why not tracking real conversions can be harmful?

When you're not tracking real revenue conversions from your investments you end up continuing bidding on under performing campaigns and might be missing revenue opportunities from under rated campaigns.

Some campaigns might be generating lot of leads but do not convert into revenue while some might be generating less leads but more revenue.

Let's take the example below, if you're being asked to spend additional 500$ on one campaign, which one would you pick up? I guess it would be Campaign 1

But if you start tracking properly acquisition data in your CRM then you can really see what campaigns or keywords truly convert.

With this new tracking data, you will be able to figure out that spending additional 500$ on campaign 2 would generate a 211% ROI (21% higher that investing on campaign1)

So why connecting Salesforce conversions with GA4?

When connecting Salesforce with GA4 using Heeet you can configure what data should be sent to GA4 as offline conversions automatically. You do not need to run manual data extraction and data lookup to understand what digital channels, campaigns, medium, sources and keywords are generating revenue.

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