Marketing and Content Influence timeline

September 20, 2023
4mn read

At Heeet we love the Time Warp component that the SalesforceLab team created.
Time Warp is a free component you can add to any Salesforce record, displaying in a beautifully designed interface all the activities related to a lead, an account, an opportunity...

Combining this awesome interface with Heeet data, you'll provide your marketing and sales team a great visualization tool enabling them to quickly see what marketing channels a lead came from, what contents and when it looked at.

In order to set Time Warp with Heeet data,

1-Download Time Warp component

2-Go to Salesforce Set Up > Custom Metadata > Manage Records on the Timeline Configuration

3-Click on New on the top of the page and create one Metadata for "Marketing Influence" record with the following parameters

Parent Object: Lead
Relationship Name: Heeet__Lead_Heeet_Digital_Channel_Influences__r
Object Name: Heeet__Heeet_Digital_Channel_Influence__c
Detail Field: Heeet__InfluenceType__c
Position Date Field: Heeet__Last_Activity_Date__c
Label: Marketing Influence
Timeline Configuration Name: Influence
Icon Background Colour: #1C1955

4-Click on Save and create a new Metadata for "Content Influence" with the following parameters

Parent Object: Lead
Relationship Name: Heeet__Content_Influences__r
Object Name: Heeet__Content_Influence__c
Detail Field: Name
Position Date Field: Heeet__Iso_Date__c
Label: Website Content
Timeline Configuration Name: Website_Content
Icon: /img/icon/t4v35/standard/marketing_actions.svg
Icon Background Colour: #FF948E

That's it, you set timeline for Heeet data.

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